
Mini Stars Assistant

Eti is currently a loyal and triple threat Ensemble Student, attending Thursday main schools plus companies and troupes. Over the past year Eti volunteered with our Mini Stars classes on a Saturday for his DOFE and immediately became a teacher the students would look forward to seeing or ask after. We are lucky to have him as part of the team, to share his talent, performing experiences alongside his fun and caring nature.

Our Teachers


  • We will always be so grateful to Starcast for all the special memories and opportunities over the past 9 years. Our boys love being a part of the Starcast family! It is their happy place full of caring, talented teachers who inspire and bring out the best in them. Thank you Starcast

    -Nathalie - Starcast parent
  • All three of my children have attended Starcast over the last 6 or so years. They are all very different with different strengths and passions and there has been a fit for all three. I now have just one left and she is loving being a part of it and given so many fabulous opportunities.

    -Charmain - Starcast parent
  • Starcast is one of the most fun places ever and I enjoy every second. The people are so amazing and great to work with. The amount of once in a life time experiences I have had with Starcast is countless during my 10 years here. Thank you for all the memories and more to come

    -Grace - Starcast Student
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