Top Tips for Staying Safe Online
Posted on 09/07/2020
Guidance for Young People participating remotely
We want to stay connected, create work and support each other.
In order to do this, we are going to use digital platforms including zoom and e-mail.
When using these platforms, it is important to protect you and your families and make you feel comfortable.
- Be kind
- Never use your full name, first names will do
- Make sure people you are living with know you are on a live video chat, don’t include them in the chat but ensure the door to the room you are in is open
- As you will be on camera participants will be able to see part of your home, please consider what is behind you and ensure you are not showing anything you wouldn’t want to be seen and that there is nothing visible which identifies where you live
- Wear appropriate clothing, even on parts of you that you think won’t be seen
- Remember it’s easy to misinterpret things online
- You will be held in a waiting area, the group leader will admit you to the session once they have identified you and marked you on the register
- Refer to a group leader directly if you feel worried about anything
- Do not record or take photos of anything without the consent of the group
- If you are worried about anything, message the session leader via E-MAIL
- You will only be contacted by a member of staff if you have signed up for their class and it will be at a specified time
- An additional member of staff, parent or carer may be included for quality and monitoring purposes
- In the case of group e-mails, all addresses will be hidden except for the sender
If you are worried or concerned about anything, please contact Miss Kiri.
Mobile of Principal: 07809220405
Email of Principal: