Posted on 12/03/2024
Put your boogie shoes on, we are having a DANCEATHON!
And even better, all money raised will go to Comic Relief 🙂
On Saturday 16th of March 2024, Starcast will host a Disco Danceathon. There is no age limit and everyone is welcome. To attend it costs £3.00per person, there will be a bake sale and glow sticks to also purchase and ALL money raised will go to Comic Relief. Our Teachers Miss Sue, Miss Isla, Miss Eleanor, Miss Bea and myself Principal Miss Katie will be leading dance sections for everyone to follow along too so we can keep dancing for two and a half hours.
Please find our Justgiving page here https://www.justgiving.com/
Check back to see how much we raised, hopefully we reach our Target but for now, see you on the DANCEFLOOR